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Live-Stream from Washington, DC
Live-Stream from Washington, DC

ATD25: Collective Insights. Lifelong Learning.

We're headed to Washington, DC.

Login to set up your attendee profile and begin planning your ATD25 experience. The login and profile you set up now will be your ATD25 Conference Mobile App login. We recommend using the same email you used or planned to use to register for ATD25 so that your access to presentations and on-demand content syncs. You are not required to register for ATD25 to use this website.

The conference agenda you have built here and the exhibitors you "favorite" will be available on the mobile app once it launches in May. You are welcome to browse the program; however, you cannot create a personalized "My Agenda" until you log in.

Create a Profile
Once logged in, you will be able to: Visit the Exhibitor Directory
Favoriting exhibitors will allow you to build your "want to meet" list once you arrive onsite. This list will carry over to the ATD25 Mobile App once it launches in May. 

Adding Favorites and Creating Your Agenda
Once you log in, you can select the star to the right of the session title. Selecting the star allows you to add the session to your itinerary. Once added, you can view your selected session in the “My Agenda” portion of your profile, manage your favorites, and even add comments about the session.

Session Details
Select the title of a session in your search results to open a pop-up box that provides the complete information for that session. You can read the description and speaker bio and view the applications on the job (if provided).

Select the star next to the title if you want to add a particular session to your personal itinerary. This turns the session into a "Favorite” and will be designated as a session to add to your agenda. Click the star again to remove it from your agenda. It allows you to search and view all the education sessions by date, time, audience, track, speaker, or keyword.

Attending Virtually?
If you are attending ATD25 virtually, you can also build your agenda. The virtual program is a select list of sessions that will be streamed from Washington, DC, or presented live virtually. Ensure you are reviewing the virtual program, not the full conference program, which contains the in-person and virtual sessions in one place.

Virtual attendees can connect with Exhibitors. Click on the request information button to have a representative from that company contact you, view their resources, and visit their website.