Maestro partners with L&D teams to create learning people love and leaders believe in. We connect your team with community resources, innovative tools, and custom learning experiences that help your team deliver the most value to your organization.
Our offering is organized into three categories with something for everyone.
Our community prioritizes authentic human connection to help learning teams big and small reach their potential. Join our community platform to connect with peers, subscribe to our weekly learning newsletter, or sign up for a free strategy session with one of our experts. If you’re motivated to grow, there’s something here for you!
*Tools and Resources*
Over the years, we’ve developed useful frameworks, perspectives, and tools to level up our learning game, and we decided to share those resources to move the whole L&D industry forward. An example is Mighty, a powerful Chrome extension for building better courses in Articulate Rise 360. Stop by booth 2729 to start your free trial!
*Custom learning experiences*
We’ve built cross-functional expertise in learning strategy, design, media, and engineering to help your team deliver more value to your organization. Whatever the need, we’re your partner — from solving bandwidth challenges to strategic consulting to running with your large-scale projects.
At Maestro, we believe in a world where a culture of learning is the driving force behind every organization — because leaders know learning grows their people and their bottom line. Join us in curiosity and growth as we move the learning industry forward together.