Create professional quality videos in minutes with our range of Rapidmooc self-serve all-in-one video studios, a unique product that combines state of the art hardware and our Rapidmooc proprietary application that make our studios very easy to use.
Perfect for any organization (corporations, universities and school districts) who want to scale up video creation and digitalize the way knowledge is shared. No more editing, no more costly postproduction to create high production value videos.
No expertise required; no crew needed.
Rapidmooc is the perfect addition for corporations who rely on videos (or would like to kick start / scale up) for their training, L&D, onboarding, generating massive savings in doing so.
Rapidmooc is also the perfect companion for universities and schools. It is ideal for students to create their broadcast and develop their storytelling skills, while enhancing dramatically their literacy skills.
Stop by our booth and see why Rapidmooc is being adopted by many corporations (UPS, ADP, Brink’s, Mack Truck, Floor & Décor etc.), school districts (such as San Bernardino City USD, Redlands USD, Perris ESD and many more) and universities in the USA and worldwide.