SUCCESSIONapp® is a unique, global award-winning software that helps leaders create succession plans and high potential leader programs to ensure smooth and successful transitions. Created by succession planning experts and continually refined through direct client feedback, SUCCESSIONapp® has become a trusted partner in the succession planning space. Plus, you can easily access your plans on a secure site at any time, anywhere, on any device. The software offers two modules - management succession planning and high potential leader program planning.
The management module enables users to choose critical competencies, evaluate qualified candidates, provide detailed plans for development, and have a complete picture of the organization's bench strength.
The high potential leader program module assists talent and development professionals in creating leadership development programs at all levels of the organization. It also pinpoints training focus areas within the organization.
Create a foolproof plan for your organization’s future with SUCCESSIONapp® today!